Source code for polypy.utils

Util functions

# Copyright (c) Adam R. Symington
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT License
# author: Adam R. Symington

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from scipy.constants import codata
from scipy import integrate
import pandas as pd
from numpy import linalg as la

kb = codata.value('Boltzmann constant')
ev = codata.value('electron volt')
ev = -ev

[docs]def pbc(rnew, rold): """ Periodic boundary conditions for an msd calculation Args: rnew (:py:attr:`float`, optional): New atomic position rold (:py:attr:`float`, optional): Previous atomic position Returns: cross (:py:attr:`bool`, optional): Has the atom cross a PBC? rnew (:py:attr:`float`, optional): New position """ shift = abs(rold - rnew) shift = round(shift, 0) shift = int(shift) cross = False if shift < 2: if rnew - rold > 0.5: rnew = rnew - 1.0 cross = True elif -(rnew - rold) > 0.5: rnew = rnew + 1.0 cross = True else: if rnew - rold > 0.5: rnew = rnew - shift cross = True elif -(rnew - rold) > 0.5: rnew = rnew + shift cross = True return cross, rnew
[docs]def calculate_rcplvs(lv): """ Convert cartesian lattice vectors to the fractional lattice vectors Args: lv (:py:attr:`array_like`, optional): Lattice vectors Returns: rcplvs (:py:attr:`array_like`, optional): Reciprcocal lattice vectors lengths (:py:attr:`array_like`, optional): Cell lengths """ rcplvs = la.inv(np.transpose(lv)) lengths = la.norm(lv, axis=1) return rcplvs, lengths
[docs]def cart_2_frac(coord, lengths, rcplvs): """ Convert cartesian coordinates to the fractional coordinates Args: coord (:py:attr:`array_like`, optional): Cartesian coordinates lengths (:py:attr:`array_like`, optional): Cell lengths rcplvs (:py:attr:`array_like`, optional): Reciprcocal lattice vectors Returns: coords (:py:attr:`array_like`, optional): Reciprcocal coordinates """ coords = [] if coord.size > 3: for i in range(0, coord[:,0].size): frac = np.matmul( rcplvs, coord[i] ) frac = np.mod( frac, 1 ) coords.append(frac) coords = np.asarray(coords, dtype=float) coords = np.reshape(coords, (coord[:,0].size, 3)) else: frac = np.matmul(rcplvs, coord) coords = np.mod(frac, 1) return coords