Source code for

MSD functions included with `polypy`. There are two MSD classes and one class to store the data generated from the MSD calculation.
The first class performs a standard MSD calculation for the entire dataset while the second class will perform an MSD calculation
within a specified region of the simulation cell.

# Copyright (c) Adam R. Symington
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT License
# author: Adam R. Symington

import sys as sys
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from polypy import fig_params
from polypy import utils as ut
from import Trajectory 
from scipy.constants import codata
from scipy import stats

[docs]class MSDContainer(): """ The :py:class:`` class stores the output from the msd calculation. """ def __init__(self): = np.array([]) self.xymsd = np.array([]) self.xzmsd = np.array([]) self.yzmsd = np.array([]) self.xmsd = np.array([]) self.ymsd = np.array([]) self.zmsd = np.array([]) self.time = np.array([]) = np.array([]) self.sd_time = np.array([])
[docs] def clean_data(self): """ Post msd the data is a list of time vs msd for each run. This needs to be normalised to give one continuous series of points. """ time, = self.smooth_msd_data(self.time, self.xymsd = self.smooth_msd_data(self.time, self.xymsd)[1] self.xzmsd = self.smooth_msd_data(self.time, self.xzmsd)[1] self.yzmsd = self.smooth_msd_data(self.time, self.yzmsd)[1] self.xmsd = self.smooth_msd_data(self.time, self.xmsd)[1] self.ymsd = self.smooth_msd_data(self.time, self.ymsd)[1] self.zmsd = self.smooth_msd_data(self.time, self.zmsd)[1] self.time = time
[docs] def smooth_msd_data(self, x, y): """ Smooths the data from the smoothed msd function. The data consists of multiple msd runs but the data is unordered. This function will order the data and average all y values with equivalent x values. Args: x (:py:attr:`array_like`): Time data. y (:py:attr:`array_like`): MSD data. Returns: z (:py:attr:`array_like`): Time / MSD data. """ xy = np.column_stack((x, y)) z = pd.DataFrame(xy).groupby(0, as_index=False)[1].mean().values return z[:, 0], z[:, 1]
[docs] def xyz_diffusion_coefficient(self, exclude_initial=0, exclude_final=1): """ Calculates the three dimensional xyz diffusion coefficient. Returns: (:py:attr:`float`): xyx Diffusion coefficient. """ gradient = stats.linregress(self.time[exclude_initial:-exclude_final],[exclude_initial:-exclude_final])[0] return (gradient / 6) * 10
[docs] def xy_diffusion_coefficient(self, exclude_initial=0, exclude_final=1): """ Calculates the two dimensional xy diffusion coefficient. Returns: (:py:attr:`float`): xy Diffusion coefficient. """ gradient = stats.linregress(self.time[exclude_initial:-exclude_final], self.xymsd[exclude_initial:-exclude_final])[0] return (gradient / 4) * 10
[docs] def xz_diffusion_coefficient(self, exclude_initial=0, exclude_final=1): """ Calculates the two dimensional xz diffusion coefficient. Returns: (:py:attr:`float`): xz Diffusion coefficient. """ gradient = stats.linregress(self.time[exclude_initial:-exclude_final], self.xzmsd[exclude_initial:-exclude_final])[0] return (gradient / 4) * 10
[docs] def yz_diffusion_coefficient(self, exclude_initial=0, exclude_final=1): """ Calculates the two dimensional yz diffusion coefficient. Returns: (:py:attr:`float`): yz Diffusion coefficient. """ gradient = stats.linregress(self.time[exclude_initial:-exclude_final], self.yzmsd[exclude_initial:-exclude_final])[0] return (gradient / 4) * 10
[docs] def x_diffusion_coefficient(self, exclude_initial=0, exclude_final=1): """ Calculates the one dimensional x diffusion coefficient. Returns: (:py:attr:`float`): x Diffusion coefficient. """ gradient = stats.linregress(self.time[exclude_initial:-exclude_final], self.xmsd[exclude_initial:-exclude_final])[0] return (gradient / 2) * 10
[docs] def y_diffusion_coefficient(self, exclude_initial=0, exclude_final=1): """ Calculates the one dimensional y diffusion coefficient. Returns: (:py:attr:`float`): y Diffusion coefficient. """ gradient = stats.linregress(self.time[exclude_initial:-exclude_final], self.ymsd[exclude_initial:-exclude_final])[0] return (gradient / 2) * 10
[docs] def z_diffusion_coefficient(self, exclude_initial=0, exclude_final=1): """ Calculates the one dimensional z diffusion coefficient. Returns: (:py:attr:`float`): z Diffusion coefficient. """ gradient = stats.linregress(self.time[exclude_initial:-exclude_final], self.zmsd[exclude_initial:-exclude_final])[0] return (gradient / 2) * 10
[docs]class MSD(): """ The :py:class:`` class calculates the mean squared displacements for a given atom. Args: data (:py:class:``): Object containing the information from the HISTORY or ARCHIVE files. sweeps (:py:attr:`int`, optional): How many times should the starting timestep be changed. Default is :py:attr:`1`. """ def __init__(self, data, sweeps=1): = data self.sweeps = sweeps if == 1: raise ValueError("ERROR: - Only one timestep has been found") if len(np.unique(data.atom_name)) > 1: raise ValueError("ERROR: MSD can only handle one atom type. Exiting") if data.data_type == "DL_MONTE ARCHIVE": raise ValueError("DLMONTE simulations are not time resolved") self.distances = [] self.msd_information = MSDContainer()
[docs] def msd(self): """ Calculates the mean squared displacement for the trajectory. Returns: (:py:class:``): Object containing the information for the MSD. """ for i in range(1, self.sweeps+1): trajectories = np.split(, distances, timestamp = self.calculate_distances(trajectories, i + 5) distances = np.asarray(distances) self.msd_information.time = np.append(self.msd_information.time, timestamp) self.squared_displacements(distances, i + 5) self.msd_information.clean_data() return self.msd_information
[docs] def calculate_distances(self, trajectories, start): """ Calculates the distances. Args: trajectories (:py:attr:`array_like`): Fractional coordinates. start (:py:attr:`float`): Timestep to start the calculation. Returns: distances (:py:attr:`array_like`): Distances. timestamp (:py:attr:`array_like`): Timesteps. """ distances = [] timestamp = [] trajectories = np.asarray(trajectories) r0 = trajectories[start-1] rOd = trajectories[start-1] for j in range((start), r1 = trajectories[j] fractional_distance = r1 - r0 r1.tolist() rOd.tolist() for k in range(0, fractional_distance[:, 0].size): for i in range(0, 3): cross, r_new = ut.pbc(r1[k, i], rOd[k, i]) if cross is True: r1[k, i] = r_new fractional_distance[k, i] = r_new - r0[k, i] cartesian_distance = np.matmul([j], fractional_distance[k]) distances.append(cartesian_distance) timestamp.append((j-start) * r1 = np.asarray(r1) rOd = np.asarray(rOd) rOd = r1 return distances, timestamp
[docs] def squared_displacements(self, distances, run): """ Calculates the squared distances. Args: distances (:py:attr:`array_like`): Distances. run (:py:attr:`float`): Timestep to start the calculation. """ squared_displacements = distances ** 2 self.three_dimension_square_distance(squared_displacements, run) self.two_dimension_square_distance(squared_displacements, run) self.one_dimension_square_distance(squared_displacements, run)
[docs] def three_dimension_square_distance(self, distances, run): """ Calculate the MSD in three dimensions. Args: distances (:py:attr:`array_like`): Distances. run (:py:attr:`float`): Timestep to start the calculation. """ summed_distances = np.sum(distances, axis=1) reshaped_array = np.reshape(summed_distances, (, msd = np.mean(reshaped_array, axis=1) = np.append(, msd)
[docs] def two_dimension_square_distance(self, distances, run): """ Calculate the MSD in two dimensions. Args: distances (:py:attr:`array_like`): Distances. run (:py:attr:`float`): Timestep to start the calculation. """ xy_distances = np.sum(np.array([distances[:,0], distances[:,1]]), axis=0) xz_distances = np.sum(np.array([distances[:,0], distances[:,2]]), axis=0) yz_distances = np.sum(np.array([distances[:,1], distances[:,2]]), axis=0) xy_array = np.reshape(xy_distances, (, xz_array = np.reshape(xz_distances, (, yz_array = np.reshape(yz_distances, (, xy_msd = np.mean(xy_array, axis=1) xz_msd = np.mean(xz_array, axis=1) yz_msd = np.mean(yz_array, axis=1) self.msd_information.xymsd = np.append(self.msd_information.xymsd, xy_msd) self.msd_information.xzmsd = np.append(self.msd_information.xzmsd, xz_msd) self.msd_information.yzmsd = np.append(self.msd_information.yzmsd, yz_msd)
[docs] def one_dimension_square_distance(self, distances, run): """ Calculate the MSD in one dimension. Args: distances (:py:attr:`array_like`): Distances. run (:py:attr:`float`): Timestep to start the calculation. """ x_array = np.reshape(distances[:,0], (, y_array = np.reshape(distances[:,1], (, z_array = np.reshape(distances[:,2], (, x_msd = np.mean(x_array, axis=1) y_msd = np.mean(y_array, axis=1) z_msd = np.mean(z_array, axis=1) self.msd_information.xmsd = np.append(self.msd_information.xmsd, x_msd) self.msd_information.ymsd = np.append(self.msd_information.ymsd, y_msd) self.msd_information.zmsd = np.append(self.msd_information.zmsd, z_msd)
[docs]class RegionalMSD(): """ The :py:class:`` class calculates the mean squared displacements for a given atom in a specific region of a simulation cell. Args: data (:py:class:``): Object containing the information from the HISTORY or ARCHIVE files. lower_boundary (:py:attr:`float`): Coordinate of the lower limit of the region of interest. upper_boundary (:py:attr:`int`, optional): Coordinate of the upper limit of the region of interest. dimension (:py:attr:`int`, optional): Direction perpedicular to the region of interest. Default is :py:attr:`'x'`. sweeps (:py:attr:`int`, optional): How many times should the starting timestep be changed. Default is :py:attr:`1`. """ def __init__(self, data, lower_boundary, upper_boundary, dimension='x', sweeps=1, trajectory_length=100): = data if == 1: raise ValueError("ERROR: - Only one timestep has been found") if len(np.unique(data.atom_name)) > 1: raise ValueError("ERROR: MSD can only handle one atom type. Exiting") if data.data_type == "DL_MONTE ARCHIVE": raise ValueError("DLMONTE simulations are not time resolved") self.lower_boundary = lower_boundary self.upper_boundary = upper_boundary self.trajectory_length = trajectory_length self.sweeps = sweeps if dimension == "x": self.dimension = 0 elif dimension == "y": self.dimension = 1 elif dimension == "z": self.dimension = 2
[docs] def analyse_trajectory(self): """ Analyse the trajectory object. Returns: msd_information (:py:class:``): MSDContainer object - MSD information. """ xc = np.reshape([:, self.dimension], ((, trajectories = np.split(, trajectories = np.asarray(trajectories) self.msd_information = MSDContainer() for i in range(0, self.check_trajectory(trajectories[:, i], xc[:, i]) self.msd_information.clean_data() return self.msd_information
[docs] def initialise_new_trajectory(self): """ Create a new MSDContainer object, specific to slice of a trajectory. Returns: new_trajectory (:py:class:``): MSDContainer object. """ new_trajectory = Trajectory(, "DLPOLY HISTORY") new_trajectory.record_number = new_trajectory.time = new_trajectory.total_atoms = 1 new_trajectory.timesteps = new_trajectory.simulation_timestep = return new_trajectory
[docs] def update_msd_info(self, container): """ Adds the information calculated for a single atom to the information of the whole trajectory. Args: container (:py:class:``): MSDContainer object - single atom. """ = np.append(, self.msd_information.xymsd = np.append(self.msd_information.xymsd, container.xymsd) self.msd_information.xzmsd = np.append(self.msd_information.xzmsd, container.xzmsd) self.msd_information.yzmsd = np.append(self.msd_information.yzmsd, container.yzmsd) self.msd_information.xmsd = np.append(self.msd_information.xmsd, container.xmsd) self.msd_information.ymsd = np.append(self.msd_information.ymsd, container.ymsd) self.msd_information.zmsd = np.append(self.msd_information.zmsd, container.zmsd) self.msd_information.time = np.append(self.msd_information.time, container.time)
[docs] def check_trajectory(self, trajectory, xc): """ Analyse the trajectory of an individual atom. Args: trajectory (:py:class:``): Trajectory object. xc (:py:attr:`array_like`): Coordinates perpendicular to the region of interest. """ ib = False count = 0 conductivity_count = 0 new_trajectory = self.initialise_new_trajectory() for i in range(0, xc.size): if xc[i] > self.lower_boundary and xc[i] < self.upper_boundary: ib = True count = count + 1 conductivity_count = conductivity_count + 1 new_trajectory.fractional_trajectory.append(trajectory[i])[i]) elif xc[i] < self.lower_boundary or xc[i] > self.upper_boundary: if count > self.trajectory_length and ib is True: new_trajectory._clean_data() atom_msd = MSD(new_trajectory, self.sweeps) msd = self.update_msd_info(msd) count = 0 new_trajectory = self.initialise_new_trajectory() else: ib = False new_trajectory = self.initialise_new_trajectory() count = 0 if count > self.trajectory_length and ib is True: new_trajectory._clean_data() atom_msd = MSD(new_trajectory, self.sweeps) msd = self.update_msd_info(msd)