Source code for polypy.density

Density functions included with `polypy`. The Density class will determine generate a three dimensional grid that stores the total number of times
that an atom spends within a xyz grid point during the simulation.

# Copyright (c) Adam R. Symington
# Distributed under the terms of the MIT License
# author: Adam R. Symington

import numpy as np
from polypy import read as rd
from polypy import utils as ut

[docs]class Density: """ The :py:class:`polypy.density.Density` class evaluates the positions of all atoms in the simulation. Args: data (:py:class:``): Object containing the information from the HISTORY or ARCHIVE files. histogram_size (:py:attr:`float`, optional): Specifies the spacing between histograms. atom (:py:attr:`str`, optional): Specifies the atom to calculate the density for. """ def __init__(self, data, histogram_size=0.1, atom=None): = data self.histogram_size = histogram_size self.atom = atom if self.atom is None and len( > 1: print("There are multiple different atoms in the trajectory, subsequent analysis may be incorrect") elif len( > 1 and self.atom: = self.lengths = self.x_lim = None self.y_lim = None self.z_lim = None self.x = None self.y = None self.z = None self.find_limits() self.coords_map = np.zeros((self.x_lim , self.y_lim , self.z_lim )) self.build_map()
[docs] def find_limits(self): """ Determine the upper and lower limits of the simulation cell in all three dimensions. """ self.x_lim = (np.amax(self.lengths[:, 0]) / self.histogram_size).astype(int) self.y_lim = (np.amax(self.lengths[:, 1]) / self.histogram_size).astype(int) self.z_lim = (np.amax(self.lengths[:, 2]) / self.histogram_size).astype(int) self.x = (np.arange(0, self.x_lim)) * self.histogram_size self.y = (np.arange(0, self.y_lim)) * self.histogram_size self.z = (np.arange(0, self.z_lim)) * self.histogram_size
[docs] def build_map(self): """ Constructs three dimensional grid of histogram_size * histogram_size * histogram_size. containing a count for how many times an atom passes through each histogram_size ** 3 cube. """ positions = for position in positions: self.update_map(position)
[docs] def update_map(self, position): """ Determines the specific location of a given atom and adds it to the corresponding location in the three dimensional map of atomic positions. """ xbox = (position[0] * self.x_lim).astype(int) ybox = (position[1] * self.y_lim).astype(int) zbox = (position[2] * self.z_lim).astype(int) self.coords_map[xbox, ybox, zbox] = self.coords_map[xbox, ybox, zbox] + 1
[docs] def one_dimensional_density(self, direction="x"): """ Calculate the particle density within one dimensional histograms of a structure. Args: direction (:py:attr:`str`): The dimension perpendicular to the histograms. Returns: x (:py:attr:`array_like`): Locations of histograms. y (:py:attr:`array_like`): Size of histograms. bin_volume (:py:attr:`float`): Volume of histograms. """ if direction == "x": val = [1, 2] x = self.x elif direction == "y": val = [0, 2] x = self.y elif direction == "z": val = [0, 1] x = self.z tmp = np.sum(self.coords_map, axis=val[1]) y = np.sum(tmp, axis=val[0]) bin_volume = 0.1 * np.mean([:,val[0]]) * np.mean([:,val[1]]) return x, y, bin_volume
[docs] def two_dimensional_density(self, direction="x"): """ Calculate the particle density within two dimensional pixels of a structure. Args: direction (:py:attr:`str`): The dimension normal to the pixels. Returns: x (:py:attr:`array_like`): Locations of one dimension of the pixels. y (:py:attr:`array_like`): Locations of one dimension of the pixels. z (:py:attr:`array_like`): Size of pixels. bin_volume (:py:attr:`float`): Volume of pixels. """ if direction == "x": val = 0 x = self.z y = self.y elif direction == "y": val = 1 x = self.z y = self.x elif direction == "z": val = 2 x = self.y y = self.x z = np.sum(self.coords_map, axis=val) box_volume = 0.1 * 0.1 * np.mean([:,val]) return x, y, z, box_volume