
Read functions of polypy. Herein contains classes to read DL_POLY HISTORY / CONFIG files and DL_MONTE ARCHIVE files. All of the data that is extracted from these files is stored in a trajectory class that is compatible with all three file types.

class polypy.read.Archive(file, atom_list)[source]

Bases: object

The polypy.read.Trajectory class evaluates the positions of all atoms in a ARCHIVE.

  • atom_list (list) – List of unique atom names in trajectory.
  • datatype (str) – Datatype of the original dataset e.g. DL_MONTE ARCHIVE.

Read a DL_MONTE ARCHIVE file line by line and updates a polypy.read.Trajectory object.

class polypy.read.Config(file, atom_list)[source]

Bases: object

The polypy.read.Trajectory class evaluates the positions of all atoms in a CONFIG.

  • atom_list (list) – List of unique atom names in trajectory.
  • datatype (str) – Datatype of the original dataset e.g. DL_POLY CONFIG.

Read a DL_POLY HISTORY file line by line and updates a polypy.read.Trajectory object.

class polypy.read.History(file, atom_list)[source]

Bases: object

The polypy.read.Trajectory class evaluates the positions of all atoms in the simulation.

  • atom_list (list) – List of unique atom names in trajectory.
  • datatype (str) – Datatype of the original dataset e.g. DL_POLY HISTORY.

Reads a DL_POLY HISTORY file line by line and updates a polypy.read.Trajectory object.

class polypy.read.Trajectory(atom_list, datatype)[source]

Bases: object

The polypy.read.Trajectory class evaluates the positions of all atoms in the simulation.

  • atom_list (list) – List of unique atom names in trajectory.
  • datatype (str) – Datatype of the original dataset
  • DL_POLY HISTORY or CONFIG. (e.g.) –

Isolates the trajectory for a specific atom type.

Parameters:atom (str) – Atom label.
Returns:Trajectory object for desired atom.
Return type:atom_trajectory (polypy.read.Trajectory)

Isolates a specific DL_POLY CONFIG from a HISTORY file.

Parameters:timestep (int) – Timestep of desired CONFIG.
Returns:Trajectory object for desired CONFIG.
Return type:config_trajectory (polypy.read.Trajectory)

Removes timesteps from the end of a simulation

Parameters:timesteps_to_exclude (int) – Number of timesteps to exclude
Returns:Trajectory object.
Return type:new_trajectory (polypy.read.Trajectory)

Removes timesteps from the beggining of a simulation

Parameters:timesteps_to_exclude (int) – Number of timesteps to exclude
Returns:Trajectory object.
Return type:new_trajectory (polypy.read.Trajectory)